Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to pretend like you're already in China, Pt. 2

Step 2: Watch lots of Chinese movies

This is from Jay Chou's (who, as far as I can gather, is like a really talented Taiwanese Zack Efron figure) movie, Secret, which is technically Taiwanese, but we watched it in Mandarin class, so it's totally legit.

I've also revisited Iron Monkey a couple times, an absolutely amazing martial arts flick, fight choreographed by the guy who worked on The Matrices, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Fearless. But with a lot more ridiculous thrown in. The video below isn't translated, so sorry about that, all you American peeps out there. At one point someone says, "Your Kung-fu is strong!" which is about as much as you need to know.

And, oh yeah. 2 days left! Gonna be crazy. I'm also playing a show with my band tomorrow night, so I'm not sure for which awesome event I should get more freaked out. I'll probly post pics from the show, but by the time I'll be able to, I'll already be in China (!), so, who knows how my priorities are going to shift.

Also, I hear a more in-depth explanation of my Scallion Pancake magic is thoroughly requested, so next time (mid-air?!) I'll take the time to write out the recipe, step-by-step-by-step, down to the very last detail. Word.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Countdown... 13 days

Yes, I'm still in Needham.

But please, join me, as I create the illusion that I am on the other side of the world.

Step 1: Make Scallion Pancakes at every possible opportunity.

(Dough dough dough.
Let rest.
Dough dough dough.)
Flatten. (Fig. 1)

(Oil, scallions.)
Roll like this. (Fig. 2)

Roll like this. (I call it cinnamon-bunning, Fig. 3)

(Flatten again.
Chop up.)

Fry. (Fig. 4)

Delicious. (Fig. 5)

Repeat as necessary.

More defense mechanisms to come!