Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fw: Slippers! (etc.)

3/9/10 8:43 PM


Snow! Sorta… It had been snowing a very little bit earlier today, (even less than a little. It seemed to hardly reach the ground before it melted), which was a spectacle unto itself. But then once we got home and settled (and watched the second Mr. Bean movie in two days! Am I in heaven?) Naiyi sort of burst into my room and said "it's snowing a lot!" and I hopped up to look, and we went to the balcony to look, and it sort of was. There were those little, fluffy clumps that look more like rippy bits from cotton balls, getting whipped around by the wind a whole bunch. They gathered a little bit on the apartments around us and the ground and in our hair (I was wearing a [rather, my signature double-hat] hat, don't worry Ma), and everyone was freaking out a little bit. And then it stopped really quickly.


I just realized that temperature is measured in Celsius around here. Ma said it would be -2 tomorrow and 50 the next day. And I didn't know what to do with myself. Still don't.


I've been reading a lot of Wikipedia today, for some reason, and it's done me some good. From Dadaism to Surrealism to Situationists to Cacophony society to the Haters to Discordianism to Church of the SubGenius to the Unification Church to Vonnegut to Yoko Ono to noise music to Merzbow to La Monte Young to Survival Research Laboratories to Burning Man to 'pataphysics to pseudopsychology to the Sokal affair (in sort of no particular order). All of which relate (very nearly) directly to an interest of mine, one way or another. So I feel good that there are people out there, thinking in all sorts of ways.

Also, my slippers are awesome.

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