Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paper cutting!

3/9/10 11:10 PM

Paper cutting. (Pictured) is the result of almost 3.5 hours of work, sitting on a stool, with a razor, cutting little bits of paper. Totally worth it. I'm gonna challenge myself to keep it pristine for when I get home. Dunno how I'll pull it off. But I'm gonna try. I think we're doing more next week, and I want to make something that says Shanghai in mandarin characters in the middle (assymetrical), but has a nice floral pattern surrounding it (symmetrical). I think that would be cool. But I have no idea how to go about it.

(Note: blogger only lets me send up to 5MB of stuff to it at a time, so sometimes that's enough to fit two pictures, but it's mostly only enough to fit one, it seems. So expect shorter posts, but more often? So that I can fit in a bunch of pictures. Let's hope?)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That's impressive! I expect to see more of your wonderful paper cutting!
